Monday, May 26, 2008

picture of the day (5/26/08)

turns out that i may have written a rough rough draft
of the first chapter of a book that has been inside of me
for quite some time.


Melanie said...

pages, please!!

Melanie said...
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Rhi said...

i'm so amazed that starbucks doesn't have the wireless, but the library does?? thats crazy!

this is exciting.

emily anderson said...

just got caught up on your adventure thus far.
and i'm INSANELY jealous.
for real yo.
i so want to be where you are at.
for real yo.

have fun!!

RachelDenbow said...

Do you like to write in the same space every time or have you been roaming? Looks like your neighborhood is going to have to install a canal. Tell them it will save on gas if they buy everyone a kayak and life jacket.

p.s. Thanks for the encouragement.

Deanna said...

oooh, I am intrigued!